SL No.
Project Name
Name of Client
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01 |
Construction of 225m Bridge over Bangshi Riverat Hatubhanga on Gorai Shakirpur Road under Mirzapur Thana, Tangail District. |
Mirzapur,Thana,Tangail District. |
1998 |
02 |
Construction of 308m long -4-lane composite Bridge (RCC/PC girder Bridge) over the surma river at Sylhet town. |
Sylhet town. |
2000 |
03 |
Design Reviewing of 260m long 1st Dhaleshwari Bridge Under Road & Highway Department.
Munshiganj |
2000 |
04 |
Design Reviewing of Construction of 521.30m Long (12×42.68m) P.C. Girder Bridge over River Shankha on 23rd K.M. Patiya-Anowara-Bashkhali-Toitong Road. |
Bashkhali-Toitong Road. |
2000 |
05 |
Toll Collection, Operation & Maintenance (T, O & M) Works of Bhairab Bridge and Associated Structures, Bangladesh. |
Bhairab, Norshingdhi |
2003 |
06 |
Construction of 160.205 m Bridge at Pearpur over Pandop River on Bakerganj – Gobindapur GC road under Bakerganj Upazilla, Barisal District, Bangladesh. |
Barisal District, Bangladesh. |
2003 |
07 |
Construction of Teesta Bridge at 21st KM of Rangpur-Kurigram Road of Three Bridges Project under KFAED Assistance
Rangpur-Kurigram Road |
2006 |
08 |
Construction of 1310m long Dapdapia Bridge on Barisal-Patuakhali Road, Barisal, Bangladesh. |
Barisal-Patuakhali Road, Barisal, Bangladesh.
2007 |
09 |
Upgradation and Beautification of the Kamruzzaman Central Park at Rajshahi City corporation, Rajshahi.• Construction of steel arch bridge having single span of 36m long.• Construction of steel curve bridge 42m long integrated fixed supported bridge |
Kamruzzaman Central Park at Rajshahi City corporation, Rajshahi.
2009 |
10 |
Rehabilitation of Existing Meghna Bridge & Meghna-Gumti Bridge
Meghna-Gumti Bridge |
2010 |
11 |
Feasibility Study & Detail Design for Construction of Asulia-Birulia Link Road under Roads and Highway Department, Dhaka Road Circle, Dhaka. |
Roads and Highway Department, Dhaka Road Circle, Dhaka.
2010 |
12 |
Construction of proposed FlyoverAmberkhan Sylhet City. |
Amberkhan Sylhet City |
2010 |
13 |
Feasibility Study & Detail Design ofthe“Amua Dhon River” and theadjoining areas for the proposed180m Road Bridge over “AmuaDhon River” atKathalia Upazila inJhalakatiDistrict under RHD,JhalakatiRoad Division, Jhalakati. |
Jhalakati Road Division, Jhalakati. |
2011 |
14 |
Construction of two Link Road inBetween Khulna- Jessore from MABari Sarak to City Bypass Road. |
Khulna- Jessore City Bypass Road. |
2011 |
15 |
Preparation of Master Planning of Graveyard Including detail design of Arch Bridge and other associated infrastructure near National Martyred Moment at Rayerbazar Under Dhaka North City Corporation.
Rayerbazar Under Dhaka North City Corporation.
2012 |
16 |
Construction of Arch/Bridge on WASA Khal at Goidertek including Approach Road |
Goidertek, Shekhertek, Dhaka |
2012 |

17 |
Feasibility Study & Detail Designfor Construction of R.C.C. Bridge onWASA Khal at Goider Tech, Adaborunder Dhaka North City corporation. |
Goider Tech, Adabor under Dhaka North City corporation.
2012 |
18 |
Feasibility and Detailed Structural Design of Bridge over the river Shitalakhya (2nd Connection) in Narayanganj City.
Shitalakhya (2nd Connection) in Narayanganj City.
2014 |
19 |
Consultancy Services for Repair of Cracks inside the Box Gider and strengthening of the Superstructure of the Banganbandhu Bridge.
Banganbandhu Bridge. |
2015 |
20 |
Consultancy Services for Preparation of Engineering Plan & Detailed Structural Design & Supervision for Construction of 4 lane Flyover under the Project Construction of East-West Link Road startingfrom Rajshahi- Naogaon main Road to Mohanpur at Rajshahi Nator Road in Rajshahi City
Mohanpur at Rajshahi Nator Road in Rajshahi City
2015 |
21 |
Bridge over kaptai lake connecting bagachari to naniarchor bridge,RANGAMATI |
2016 |
19 ECB |

22 |
Consultancy Services for Improvement of traffic management infrastructure (Intersection, Bus-stoppages/ Bus-bay, Left lane, Guard rail, Traffic Sign, Grill, Fencing etc.)
2016 |
23 |
Hydrological and Morphological
Study of 15 Bridges over Different,
Barishal,Patuakhali,and Jhalokhati
Districts under LGED.
Kushtia,Shariatpur,Khulna, Bagerhat,Barishal,Patuakhali,
and, Jhalokhati Districts under LGED.
2017 |

24 |
Consultancy Services for ” Construction of Foot over Bridge ” DSCC |
Under Dhaka South City Corporation |
2017 |
25 |
Carrying out Classified Traffic Count Survey of RHD Road Network of Khulna,Barishal and Gopalganj Zone under the Package No-HDM/2018-19/SR-4 |
Khulna,Barishal,and Gopalganj Zone |
2019 |

26 |
Consultancy Services for 90-100M RCC Bridge (BUP)
BUP, Mirpur Cantonment, Dhaka |
2019 |

27 |
Services for Design Review and Construction Supervision Consultancy Services for Construction of Bridge at 17th km on the Kachua-
Betagi-Patuakhali-Lohalia-Kalayia Road over the River Paira
Patuakhali |
2021 |

28 |
Consultancy Services For Feasibility Study, Detail Design, Estimation And Formulation Of DPP For Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport Pedestrian Underpass Project. |
Dhaka |
2023 |
BA |

29 |
Consultancy Services for construction of Railway line from a. Chapainawabgonj to Sonamasjid b, Panchagarh to Banglabandha c. Domar to Votemari via Jaldhaka and Feasibility Study, Detail Design and preparation of bid documents for Construction of new Railway bridge on Tista River beside the existing railway bridge, Railway west zone. |
a. Chapainawabgonj to Sonamasjid b, Panchagarh to Banglabandha c. Domar to Votemari via Jaldhaka, Railway west zone. |
2020 |
BA |

30 |
Construction Supervision service for Construction of Lebukhali-Rampur-Mirzagonj Link Road Project Bakergonj Barishal |
Lebukhali-Rampur-Mirzagonj Link Road Project Bakergonj Barishal |
2020 |
BA |

31 |
Consultancy Services for Design Review and construction supervision for construction of Bridge at 17 th KM on the Kachua-Betagi-Patuakhali-Lohalia-Kalayia Road over the River Paira |
Patuakhali |
2021 |

32 |
Consultancy Services for construction of Railway line from a. Chapainawabgonj to Sonamasjid b, Panchagarh to Banglabandha c. Domar to Votemari via Jaldhaka and Feasibility Study, Detail Design and preparation of bid documents for Construction of new Railway bridge on Tista River beside the existing railway bridge, Railway west zone. |
a. Chapainawabgonj to Sonamasjid b, Panchagarh to Banglabandha c. Domar to Votemari via Jaldhaka, Railway west zone. |
33 |
Construction of proposed Flyover Amber khan Sylhet City.. |
Amberkhan Sylhet City. |
34 |
Construction of Arch/Bridge on WASA Khal at Goidertek including Approach Road |
Goidertek,Shekhertek, Dhaka. |
35 |
Bridge over kaptai lake connecting bagachari to naniarchor bridge,RANGAMATI |
19 ECB
36 |
Consultancy Services for 90-100M RCC Bridge (BUP) |
BUP, Mirpur Cantonment, Dhaka. |